Magazine Cover Overload!

You can’t help yourself. You are standing there idly, waiting your turn at the checkout and the words and photos jump right out and slap you in the face. Before you know it, you pick up a magazine and start leafing through the shiny pages, skimming for the article that caught your eye. Is there time for you to discover the secrets from within the publication before you check out? Do you pay the five bucks and learn how to have rock hard abs or fantastic hair? Do you want to please your man (what about pleasing women?) or learn who is dying off in the next episode of your soap opera? Do you look to see who is watching you before you pick up the tabloid rags that claim Elvis is alive, and then dead, and then alive again? Or, that aliens landed and gave birth to Miley Cyrus? It is the sleek magazine cover that draws you in as you seek only to pay and get out of the store. It beckons you with air brushed perfection images of women --who in real life have wrinkles, cel...