I rarely get into Internet squabbles or defend the honor of Hollywood Celebrities, but I am in a campaign now online to support Chris Hardwick.
Maybe my 14 years as a Lifestyle Newspaper Columnist empowers me, in my delusion, I feel I need to speak my mind.
Not that anyone may listen, but the inner writer still wants to speak--my voice needs to be heard even if the only ears are my own and my Mom’s.
My platform has dwindled since my last column in 2013...and with all the newspapers being sold or closed, etc., it's hard to find my archived columns and articles through a google search anymore..so, I blog.
The recent #MeToo movement has brought great changes to our society and I celebrate the great achievements. Empowering the silent sufferers has turned around nasty behavior that was kept in the dark for too long...so, please do not take what I am going to say like I do not support it...I have lived it. I am a member of the #METOO movement and not because I tweeted the words with a hashtag.I am a full-fledged member.
But, not every woman can be trusted. Not every cry of foul is true. We must stop blindly believing every story.When revenge or monetary rewards encourage or tempt unethical persons to use the movement to benefit themselves then this is not justice.
If I gave in to darker whispers, I could accuse any unsuspecting boss or teacher with nothing more than my creative imagination! I could wield my words like a sword and a life would be ruined.
I think I am a decent human being. But not all men and women can claim this quality. It is so easy these days to hurt and maim with lying words, or over exaggerated circumstances. Anger can cloud a memory and revenge is a tasty treat in love gone wrong.
Why am I defending the recent accusations against Chris Hardwick? Do I know for sure his story isn’t one of rightful retribution? Do I feel he deserves this judgment?![]() |
Key Billy Joel Music! |
- I do not know him.
- I do not have any personal ties to him, except a few Twitter chats with his Mom.
- I only have logic and gut reaction to go on.
- I have seen his humanity.
- I see a real person and not some character created by a writer/director. When he lost his father, I felt his pain and grief on air.
- He is funny, irreverent, and has a naughty side. He is a comedian! They are known for crossing lines.
- I feel the quick judgment was not equal to the accusations against him. Loyalty is important.
- I was not there, but neither was AMC, the Nerdist or NBC.
- Some stories ring true, and I can't explain it.
- I believe him.
I believe that in his rise to success, there became opportunities for misuse of power by those around him. Those in his inner circle, either personal or professional were harboring old wounds, festering from actions by an old version of Hardwick. With the release of this story, the chance came to to lash out, to hop on the bandwagon of Hardwick bashing.
I, however, choose to believe a series of ex-girlfriends, close friends, and his present wife's testimony, given freely, on the record defending him.
I have read the his “nice” breakup texts to a woman who was cheating on him. He showed good character. She also texted him 7 months later with what seems like someone who is trying to reconnect.
If he was such a monster -- then why?
Maybe some victims would defend her action. I could give her a pass on this, except I am looking at the whole pie and not just this slice of behavior.
It's a "He said - She said" deal, it's a bad relationship gone badder...and frankly, I am confused about what is the wrong that was done….
It's a "He said - She said" deal, it's a bad relationship gone badder...and frankly, I am confused about what is the wrong that was done….
Could it be that when the bad guy scenario didn’t play harsh enough, the Blacklisting accusation comes out?
Did Chris tell some folks not to hire her? I call that character reference. After all, he had reason to believe her character was lacking...
I am Not feeling the evil Chris Hardwick playbook here!
His actions since the breakup show us today a Hardwick who has cleaned himself up, shook off alcoholism, and embraced success, marriage, and a hopeful future.
Should he pay for going through a rough patch in his life while in a dysfunctional relationship? We all know what craziness can be ripped out of bad love!
I feel taking his shows off, and replacing him on Comic Con Panels and wiping his name off his signature project, the Nerdist was extreme, unfair, and ridiculous.
If he was out molesting, attacking, or throwing his power around, abusing a series of women, then a harsh take down would make be in order. That is not the case here.
Fear of the #METOO movement must have created this environment of injustice. All changes are not surgically clean. I encourage any true victim to push for justice.
However, we must take into account the power of redemption. Lets make room for forgiveness and restoration as well, WHILE not allowing the true bad ones to get off easy.
The line of right and wrong has blurred.
With the power of social media, we need to take these accusations case by case, holding the victims and the accuser's stories to the light before pronouncing judgment.
Redemption means a life can change, a person can do better, and of course, if you have committed a crime you pay and restore.
I am not seeing the connection of a Harvey Weinstein incident with a Chris Hardwick one.
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I felt compelled to fight for Chris.
There is a #HARDWICKSARMY of 5 thousand plus in a Facebook group. Over 34, 000 have signed a petition on Change.org to restore Chris’s career. We want our voice heard. We want restoration. We want justice.
I for one, cannot tolerate watching the shows Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, or even Better Call Saul without Hardwick. I wish he could have done a Talking Thrones for the Game of Thrones...I kept looking for one...cause I needed my after-episode therapy!
So, all I have to say is:
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