Why Who Dat?

As a long time New Orleans Saints fan, I don't recall decades ago chanting anything. Maybe it was because we didn't have a whole lot of success to chant about? Whatever the case, I still cheered the Black & Gold every week with my family. Now, as a certified member of the Who Dat Nation, I embrace the chant proudly. If you are curious about the detailed history of Who Dat ? Then check out the Wikipedia page because I wasn't aware of its ministrel beginnings. Yet, just like the meaning of words change, so has the intent of the Who Dat. Its a rally call, a cheer, something that unifies us all, and it does not signify color, race, or hairstyle. It says, I am a New Orleans Saints Fan. Here is the basic origin story of the New Orleans version of Who Dat. "Its earliest known documented link specifically to the Saints organization was actually a December 9, 1972 New Orleans Times–Picayune newspaper column reference to a player from an opposing team, Carl...