First Day for the last many years ago Another year of school has begun.... For my decades of mothering, the countdown has begun...the youngest are Sophomores in High School....Life has flown by and watching four young baby boys grow up is bittersweet - and yet...a privilege. The time has begun to send kids back to school, freshly groomed, new shiny clothes and shoes, and hopefully brand spanking new undies because you never know.... In this day and age, Moms have more to worry about than fashion points to impress the world, they have the dangers of the world weighing on them: Mass shootings daily Politics of the absurd Isis $$$$$$$ Keeping up with Jones mentality Drugs Race issues These worries seem magnified with a daily barage of news....facebook statuses....fear is among us! We have an epidemic of mental issues affecting our school age kids....anxiety disorders, ADHD, bi-polar and depression. Families are dysfunctional and defeated. Paren...